Sunday, December 7, 2008

Aaldi's Quanta

A rare sketch of labyrinth quantification by Aaldi, which shows one of the earliest depictions of what Aaldi called "quanta." Aaldi believed that each labyrinth consisted of a fundamental repeating unit, or quantum, that corresponded to multiples of the golden ratio and shares deep affinities with transcendental numbers.


Alex said...

Great thread, John. Definitely apropos after the Milosovici discussion. As you know, "quanta" is one of Aaldi's ideas that proved particularly formative in Milosovici's early thought. The idea of the purely cognitive, celestial, mathematical labyrinth contra the possibility of any labyrinth in the extra-mental world.

John K. said...

Excellent point. I believe Milosovici termed this labyrinth - his chimera, his ghost, his muse - the Pythagorean Labyrinth.

Anonymous said...

damn thats trippy.

Anonymous said...

It's all in your perspective, man. Like, what makes green "green."

Anonymous said...

Your mom shares deep affinities with transcendental numbers.

Anonymous said...



-krissy ^_^

Anonymous said...

John, you should really clarify that Aaldi finally concluded the quanta to be roughly 1.522, not 1.618. Not everyone reading your blog is so well informed, even wikipedia's entry has much to hope for.