Friday, December 5, 2008

The Project


Thanks for your interest in the Cincinnati Labyrinth Project! For those of you who are unfamiliar with our organization, please allow me to bring you up to speed. The CLP is a group of enterprising Cincinnati locals who are endeavoring to bring about one of the biggest, most fascinating, and, most importantly, one of the most lucrative changes to Cincinnati culture in decades.

Our goal is to facilitate the sale of the Cincinnati Bengals and the creation of a massive stone labyrinth in Paul Brown Stadium.

Stay tuned for more updates and details to come henceforth.


Anonymous said...

Here here!!

Anonymous said...

Man, I always loved the Serpentine Wall. You guys should do something with that and the labyrinth. That would be sweet.

Anonymous said...

I have great memories of the wall. Jumping up and down the huge steps, watching the fireworks, then walking down to Sawyer Point and sliding across that hang-bar thing in the playground. Takes me back.

Anonymous said...

Is this for real?

Anonymous said...

Everyone thinks they can run a blog today. You guys are jerks.

Anonymous said...

You are a tool for posting that. You are just as guilty by making comments. Stop wasting everyone's time.

Anonymous said...

Can the homeless sell maps of the labyrinth as a supplement to their "Homeless Grapevine?" Just maybe?