Friday, December 5, 2008

Cincinnati Labyrinth Project Petition

Hey folks, please sign our petition! Let Cincinnati (and the rest of the world) know how much you want to see the Labyrinth Project succeed!

Petition statement:

Cincinnati is in need of a cultural and economic renaissance. By signing this petition, you express your commitment to the notion that by selling the perennially unsuccessful, infuriatingly mediocre Cincinnati Bengals football franchise and erecting a complex, state-of-the-art stone labyrinth in Paul Brown Stadium, all Cincinnatians would experience both fiscal and cultural growth. We at the Cincinnati Labyrinth Project are a deeply committed bunch, so you may rest assured that we will work tirelessly to bring this wonderful proposal to fruition. Do it for Cincinnati! Do it for labyrinths!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

At long last, labyrinth enthusiasts are no longer giving mere lip service to the great cause. We are witnessing the germination of a new revolution in labyrinthism, a new generation of labyrinth activists. Bravo. May your efforts find the center of the maze.

Anonymous said...

OchoPsynko, I am shocked by your philistine refusals to allow such a travesty of a sports franchise to persist. May your efforts meet the false passageways of the maze.

Anonymous said...

I signed it!